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The Science Part...
Heat is generated inside the Hot-Can from the mixing of Calcium Oxide (quicklime, CaO) with Hydrogen Dioxide (water, H2O) which produces Calcium Hydroxide (Ca(OH)2)
The formula for this exothermic reaction is:
CaO + H2O > Ca(OH)2 + Heat
Once the heating reaction is complete, the Calcium Hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) reacts readily with Carbon Dioxide (CO2 ) in the air to form Calcium Carbonate (limestone, Ca CO3) and returns to its original state
The formula for this reaction is:
Ca(OH)2 + CO2 > Ca CO3 + H2O
The reactions are essentially CO2 neutral: Carbon dioxide (CO2) is released in producing the Calcium Oxide (quicklime, CaO ) by heating Calcium Carbonate (limestone, Ca CO3) to extremely high temperatures, and is subsequently reabsorbed during the reaction.
What makes it heat up?
Hot-Can has developed a special double chambered aluminum can which contains the beverage in the outer chamber and holds water and calcium oxide (quick lime) separately in the inner chamber. When the button at the bottom of the can is pressed, the water mixes with the quicklime, starting an exothermic reaction that heats the contents of the outer chamber in less the 3 minutes by 50-55°C to give you a piping hot drink.
Is Hot-Can harmful to the environment?
No. Not only is the container recyclable, it also complies with beverage container recycling laws, or “Bottle Bills”, that provide financial incentive to consumers for recycling. For more information please visit www.bottlebill.org. In addition, our Hot-Can (unlike other self-heating products currently in the market), only produces natural bi-products: water, calcium carbonate, and calcium hydroxide. These bi-products are the same minerals that make up coral reefs in our oceans and are a naturally occurring mineral in our soil and are frequently added to soil in farming to enhance the pH balance.
Moreover, it's almost impossible to boil exactly the right amount of water for a cup of coffee -- there's always a little left over. This means you're wasting precious power, water and time, not to mention drinking twice-boiled water in your next cup. The Hot-Can heats the perfect cup of coffee in less then 3 minutes, whilst using up to 65% less energy than a standard kettle in the process. -- Sumber: www.hotcan.com
Mau coba? Rasanya lumayan tapi harganya tidak bersahabat sama anak kuliahan ;))
Selamat piknik :)
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